Dear Friends,
In the next couple of weeks, Goethe-Instituts across the North American region are thinking a lot about movies! In Washington, Film|Neu has begun and is continuing until Sunday; check out our program at to register for free virtual film screenings. We also are continuing our STP-on-Demand streaming series this weekend with Oliver Hardt's documentaries Black Deutschland and The Black Museum, and participating yet another year in the wonderful Washington-area-wide project Films Across Borders.
Blended-learning course offerings for December 2020 are now available, with discount codes for those interested. Get a head-start on your 2021 resolution to learn German and begin next month! Scholarship opportunities for professional development experiences abroad in 2021 are also open.
If you'll be virtually joining ACTFL this weekend, our colleagues are offering a great opportunity for you to meet the team – read on to see how you can link up with the Goethe-Institut Washington gang!