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My Fellow Orange County Republicans –

After this weekend's updates from the Orange County Registrar of Voters we are confident that the current election results will stand.

First I want to thank all of you that donated or volunteered, even during a pandemic where we could not have a Flag Day fundraiser. I'd like to give a special shoutout to the Republican Women Federated clubs that made thousands of phone calls for our candidates. In addition, thank you to our staff Randall Avila and Johnny Lauro. Their tireless efforts to train and deploy volunteers, staff our social media digital campaign, and manage our Member Communications paid off. 

Also, a note of thanks to Orange County Registrar of Voters, Neal Kelly. While we may often disagree on whether a signature matches, Neal was transparent and fair throughout the entire process. Frankly he is limited by the crazy laws out of Sacramento and does a very good job in spite of those laws.  Unlike states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia, Orange County can be proud of Neal and his team.

The 2020 election results in Orange County are clear: the blue wave of 2018 receded with a Republican riptide but we still have more work to do to restore Orange County.

Orange County Republicans successfully flipped two Congressional Districts. Congresswomen-elect Young Kim (CD-39) and Michelle Steel (CD-48) will be sworn into the United States Congress in January. We are proud that for the first time since 1994, Republicans have defeated a sitting California Democrat in Congress - and we did it twice! While votes are still being counted outside of Orange County, we are confident Young and Michelle will be joined by Congressman Mike Garcia and Congressman-Elect David Valadao. 

I want to congratulate Greg Raths and Brian Maryott on running strong grassroots campaigns. They may have come short in this election but their hard work has laid the foundation for Republicans to flip these seats in 2022.

On the local level, Supervisor Andrew Do was reelected with a healthy margin in a district where Democrats hold a double digit voter registration advantage. His election shows that Republicans can run and win in some of our toughest districts. Republicans will now retain our 4-1 majority on the Orange County Board of Supervisors. I am also proud to share that as a result of our Member Communication efforts, Republicans still hold local majorities in 22 Orange County cities with eight of those cities having pure Republican City Councils - Democrats have zero.

Supervisor Michelle Steel's victory creates a special election in early 2021. We have already begun the work to coalesce behind one strong Republican in the special election to maintain our majority and will continue in full campaign mode. We will be holding a special November 30th Central Committee meeting to vote on an endorsement in this critical race.

While we had strong victories on the federal level, the results of the state legislative races were mixed. In the State Assembly, Republicans reelected Philip Chen and Steve Choi, while also electing Janet Nguyen and Laurie Davies to their first terms. We are confident that our four Orange County Assembly Republicans will go to Sacramento to continue our fight against the radical policies California Democrats are pushing that will directly hurt Orange County families. 

Unfortunately, our victories came with some losses. State Senators Ling Ling Chang and John Moorlach were the hardest hit with special interest and union money. I want to thank them for their service in the State Senate holding Sacramento accountable for its uncontrolled spending and everlasting push to raise your taxes. Both Senators Chang and Moorlach ran incredibly close races coming well within 3% of their opponents while being outspent 3-1. In the race to unseat Democrat Cottie Petrie-Norris, Diane Dixon ran a strong campaign coming within a razor-thin margin of 1%. Senator Chang, Senator Moorlach and Councilwoman Dixon will continue to be leaders in the party and in Orange County.

Our mission for 2022 is clear: we must reelect Young Kim and Michelle Steel, defeat Katie Porter and Mike Levin, hold our Republican Assembly seats while unseating Cottie Petrie-Norris and win in the 34th and 36th State Senate Districts. Reapportionment will also change how these districts look, providing greater opportunities for success. 

2022 starts now. Today we build the foundation for more victories through voter registration, voter outreach, and digital messaging. Our victories showed that Orange County is ready  for the message of smaller, more efficient and more effective government. In 2022 that message will resonate all the way to the Governor’s Mansion and beyond. I’m all in for the next fight and hope you will join us. 

Wishing you the most blessed Thanksgiving. Keep your family close and Governor Newsom socially distanced.


Hon. Fred M. Whitaker
Chairman, Republican Party of Orange County

The Republican Party of Orange County welcomed Congresswomen-elect Michelle Steel and Young Kim from Washington D.C. during freshman orientation at our November Central Committee meeting.
David Ho and and Heidi Abel were presented with the Volunteer of the Month Award. Congratulations!

THE HILL: Young Kim takes down Democrat in California House rematch

ABC NEWSRepublican Michelle Steel defeats U.S. Rep. Harley Rouda in Southern California district flipped by Democrats in 2018
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