Now that the 2020 election cycle has (for the most part) come to an
end, I imagine many are eager to turn their attention back to
community organizing— there is plenty to do at a local level!
If you (or your node) are looking for ideas of how you can help
de-carbonize your community, the Mass Power Forward Checklist is a fantastic resource.
It contains numerous ways you can engage your community in efforts to
create a local environmental task force, increase energy efficiency,
promote clean energy and transportation infrastructure, and prepare
for the effects of climate change.
I am also beginning the process of collecting stories of the
accomplishments of 350 Mass' nodes and working groups. If you have a
story to share, please send it to [email protected].
Sam Payne
Digital Organizer & Communications Specialist
Senate Budget Passage: A Response from Raise Up Mass
Today the MA
Senate passed a budget that largely ignores the plight of many under
the COVID-19 pandemic. The Senate budget does not include emergency
paid sick time, increased housing and food assistance, or money to
fully fund schools. Read Raise Up Mass' statement on the Senate budget here.
Other 350 Mass News
our Webinar, Roadmaps and Roadblocks—Accelerating Passage of
Climate Legislation: See a recording of yesterday's webinar, featuring a panel
with Craig Altemose, Executive Director of 350 Mass and Better Future
Project, Greg Nadeau, ed-tech innovator and grassroots activist, and
State Representative Maria Robinson, who concentrates her efforts on
ensuring access to truly affordable health care, preserving LGBTQ+
rights, protecting consumers and their data, and providing affordable
options in the city for our senior community.
Key Climate Legislation is Stalling in Committee: Click here for updated background info and for model
scripts you can use for calling or emailing your Rep and Senator about pending climate
Write a Letter to the Editor: There's never been a
better time to take part in 350 Mass' Letters to the Editor (LTE)
team. Want to join? Email Alan Palm, Director of Organizing, at [email protected]
to find out more. Our members have a great success rate in getting
letters published! Read some of them here:
Other Climate Movement News
Peace Action Conference—Where do we go from Here? Preparing our
Movements for the Next Four Years: Joe Biden’s election
victory is a relief. But it also means that we have to organize like
never before. What does that organizing look like? Join Ed Markey,
Bill McKibben, and other movement leaders us for a conference to help
determine the next steps. Learn more and register. Sat, Dec 5, 9 am to Sun,
Dec 6, noon.
Enbridge Energy Suffers a Blow: Michigan's Governor
Whitmer is moving to shut down an Enbridge pipeline before it
irreparably damages the Great Lakes. This news bolsters the fight here
in Massachusetts against Enbridge's Weymouth Compressor Station. Read more.
Solidarity Opportunities
Act on
Mass Launches Transparency is Power Campaign: At the start of
every two year legislative session, the State House writes its own
rule book. A new session begins in January. Act on Mass is organizing
constituent power in every corner of the state to demand our
legislators change the State House's broken, anti-democratic
rules. Learn more and take action.
Is this newsletter a
helpful resource? Help us make it possible by donating today!
About Better
Future Project and 350 Mass