What could be more important than stopping election fraud?                                                                                                             




Fellow Conservative,

What could be more important than stopping election fraud?

Or safeguarding the Electoral College to keep our elections Constitutional?

Yet the progressive left is pushing strongly for proposals at the federal and state levels that would endanger our system of free and fair elections as envisioned by America’s founders.

They want to abolish the Electoral College so that giant progressive cities like New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, and San Francisco have more weight in electing the U.S. president.

They want to allow illegal immigrants to vote.

They want same-day voter registration. Universal mail-in ballots. And perhaps worst, “ballot harvesting” so that “ballot harvesters” collect limitless ballots from senior citizens and others. These “vote harvesters” are trusted to take the ballots to the polls without tampering.

These schemes are ripe for voter fraud, and a violation of free, fair, constitutional elections.

Such “reforms” are designed to tilt power to progressives and change our elections and our government.

But The Heritage Foundation is already moving to counter them.

As a friend of Heritage, you need to know our recommendations.

Please let me send you the free Ebook, "Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System."

This eBook will inform and encourage you about the effort to protect our elections this year and into the future. You will learn the 9 dangerous proposals from the left, and about 7 safeguards proposed by Heritage.

There is too much at stake not to be informed.

Please use the link below to instantly access your copy of this essential eBook now.



Kay C. James

The Heritage Foundation

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