Policy Update

Advanced Energy Economy released this statement as a broad range of clean energy groups delivered a letter to leaders of the U.S. Congress calling for swift action to support deployment of advanced energy technologies and transportation electrification in must-pass legislation before yearend."With a few simple tweaks, Congress can make existing policies that support advanced energy more flexible and more effective at a time when the economy needs a boost," said Nat Kreamer, CEO of Advanced Energy Economy. "Specifically, policymakers should shift existing tax credits for advanced energy to direct pay and extend deadlines for eligibility in light of supply chain and construction disruptions due to COVID. This is a no-lose proposition for spurring our nation's economic recovery, tapping fast-growing jobs opportunities and shifting to cleaner, more affordable energy resources." Continue reading the press release here. >
on the blog
One of the simplest concepts governing the electric power system for more than half the country – competitive wholesale markets deliver reliable power at the best price for customers – is also among the most complex in practice. Our nation’s system of Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs) proves that. Navigating the world of RTOs and ISOs can be challenging, but participating in the markets they manage is critical to the success of advanced energy companies. AEE’s recent webinar, “Everything You Wanted to Know about RTOs But Never Could – Until Now,” moderated by AEE General Counsel and Managing Director Jeff Dennis, dug into how RTOs and ISOs operate and how to utilize AEE’s PowerSuite platform to track, navigate, and participate in RTO/ISO processes. Continue reading on the blog. >
AEE Webinars
Live on Tuesday, December 8, at 1pm ET/10am PT
COVID-19 may have made 2020 annus horribilis, but the public health crisis was only part of the story of advanced energy this year. The pandemic took its toll on the industry – and forced adjustments in business and regulation – but underlying trends in markets and technology continued to favor advanced energy. FERC issued orders and policies that helped (and sometimes hurt) advanced energy in wholesale markets, new states set their sights on 100% clean energy (and transportation), and a record-setting national election changed the political landscape in some ways, and in some ways not. In this webinar, hear from AEE experts on a year we’ll never forget – and what to look for in the year to come.
- Robert Keough, SVP Content, AEE (Moderator)
- Nat Kreamer, CEO, AEE (Industry)
- Hannah Polikov, Managing Director, AEE Policy (COVID -19)
- Jeff Dennis, Managing Director and General Counsel, AEE Policy (FERC)
- J.R. Tolbert, Managing Director, AEE Policy (State Policy)
- Leah Rubin Shen, Director, AEE Policy (Election)

Featured online events

Over the past few months, western states have been ravaged by some of the worst wildfires on record, leading to power outages both planned and unplanned. As transportation becomes electrified, we will see both greater reliance on the electric grid and more availability of distributed storage capacity. How do we ensure universal access to charging? And, how do we make use of the distributed storage in EVs of all types – passenger vehicles, school and transit buses, delivery vehicles – to help out communities disrupted by disaster? AEE Managing Director, Matt Stanberry, discusses these questions and more with an esteemed panel!
Register here for the third and final part of our virtual conference.