Did you know that Save the Boundary Waters has a nationwide volunteer ambassador program? These dedicated individuals are volunteers that represent the Campaign and organize Boundary Waters enthusiasts to take action across the country.
Three of these volunteers wanted to share their perspectives on what the Boundary Waters has meant to them in 2020, and why you should support the Campaign with a donation today.
AUDREY JEWETT: The Boundary Waters has been a source of motivation to become more politically mobilized than ever before in 2020. Places like the Boundary Waters deserve to be protected and advocated for.

MEGAN MERRITT: Since the start of this crazy year, the Boundary Waters has been a source of consistency in this ever changing and uncertain world we're living in. It feels like one of the only places within reach, where all the noise fades away. I've been inspired by listening to the people who are so dedicated to protecting these lands and waters and it makes me hopeful for the future of all public lands.
When you make a contribution today, your gift is doubled. Don’t miss your chance - make your impact go twice as far for the Boundary Waters by making a gift right now.
SYDNEY BOCKELMAN: In uncertain times and with our communities craving connection, I've seen more and more people turn to the outdoors for solace this year. The Boundary Waters continues to prove that it's a place for quiet contemplation, connection with nature, and community building. And in order to continue doing so, the Boundary Waters needs our stewardship and support.

Time is running out - join our incredible community of volunteers and supporters by making a gift before midnight tonight.
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Save the Boundary Waters P.O. Box 625 Ely, MN 55731 United States