Your donation will help win a Democratic majority in the Senate. This is important.

Friends -

As you know, Mitch McConnell, the "grim reaper," will do everything in his power to sabotage progressive initiatives coming from the Biden administration or from Congress. That's what he does.

Well, we now have the opportunity of getting rid of Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader in the Senate, and we are very close to doing that.

On January 5, there will be two runoff elections in Georgia which will determine which party controls the Senate. And, with your help, we can win those races, gain Democratic control over that body, and replace McConnell.

We are writing today to ask you to make a contribution to Rev. Raphael Warnock's campaign for U.S. Senate in Georgia. Rev. Warnock, a strong progressive, is running against incumbent right-wing Senator Kelly Loeffler, a Trump supporter.

In the real world, what will Democratic control of the U.S. Senate mean for the American people? It means that we can raise the minimum wage to a living wage, expand health care, create millions of good-paying jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, tackle the existential threat of climate change, forcefully address systemic racism and finally bring about comprehensive immigration reform — among many other things.

That's what the runoff elections in Georgia are about.

Winning back the Senate also means that Bernie is in line to become Chair of the Budget Committee and Chair of the Subcommittee on Health. That is no small thing, and will be a huge step forward in our struggle to create national priorities that work for working people, not just the one percent.

So we're looking for a lot of donations to Rev. Warnock's campaign today to help win back the Senate and fund the voter turnout efforts required to win this race. That is why we need to ask:

Can you split a $2.70 contribution between Rev. Raphael Warnock's campaign and our campaign today? Every contribution will help win a Democratic majority in the Senate and advance our progressive agenda. This is important.

Rev. Warnock is a pastor in Atlanta, Georgia who is running on a progressive platform of guaranteeing universal health care, protecting our planet for future generations, and defending workers' rights. He understands that we need to reform our broken criminal justice system and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure while creating good-paying jobs.

While Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, the Republican Senate candidates in this runoff election, play into the false claims of voter fraud and other misinformation promoted by Donald Trump, Rev. Warnock has spent his entire life fighting against bigotry and hatred. He grew up in public housing in Savannah and was the first person in his family to graduate from college. Sending Rev. Warnock to the Senate would be a significant victory for our movement.

Can Bernie count on you to chip in?

Please split a $2.70 contribution between Rev. Warnock's campaign and our campaign today.

Winning this runoff election in Georgia won't be easy. But we can do it if we do all we can to support Rev. Warnock and the critical organizing work taking place across the state.

Thanks for contributing today to win this runoff, regain a Democratic majority in the Senate, and advance the most progressive agenda this country has seen since the 1930s.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie