ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Dear Friend --

"Amid this pandemic, there has been hope." Only a few weeks ago, in early October, ICAN campaigner Linnet Ng'ayu addressed the UN First Committee, highlighting how close we were to the TPNW’s entry into force and how important that moment would be. Little did we know that less than two weeks later, on October 24th, we would reach the 50-state-mark needed to make that happen!

Sakura blossoms - Play button to see video

On 22 January 2021, the treaty will enter into force and nuclear weapons will become illegal under international law. All around the world, our campaigners are getting ready to mark that day, and we can't wait to share all our plans with you in the coming weeks.

But in the meantime, we wanted to share our excitement and joy with you with this short but powerful video. Will you help the good news travel by sharing it far and wide?

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Stay tuned as we count down to January 22nd! 

Thank you,

Lucero Oyarzun
Digital Campaign Coordinator

PS - Intrigued about the rest of that statement? Read it here


It’s time to end nuclear weapons.

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