FY 2021 Appropriations
Last week, the U.S.
Senate Appropriations Committee released versions of all 12 of its fiscal year
(FY) 2021 bills. These are not bipartisan bills; they are the Republican Subcommittee
Chairman’s mark. The U.S. House of Representatives passed 10 of its 12 bills
during the summer. The two Houses will now try to reach an agreement on final
versions before Dec. 11, or they will have to pass an extension of the current
Continuing Resolutions, keeping the government open. The unknown factor is President
Trump and what he decides he is willing to sign.
The Labor-Health and Human Services bill provided most of what
ADEA and our dental partners had requested:
- Oral Health Training Programs are funded
at the $40,673,000 requested, including the $12 million set-a-side each for general
dentistry residencies and pediatric residencies. It also included the requested
$2 million for the Dental Faculty Loan Repayment program. This is the same funding
level as what the House included in its version of the bill.
The Ryan White Part F Dental Reimbursement program, which helps
reimburse dental schools for the uncompensated care provided to persons living
with HIV AIDS, received $13,122,000—the same as last year. This also is identical to the House’s amount.
For the National
Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, the Senate included $493,234,000.
This is $11.7 million more than the House amount, but well below the $512-million
request by ADEA, the American Dental Association, the American Association of
Dental Research and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. It is $58.7 million
more that the FY 2020 appropriation though. We, as a group, will say, “Thank you.”
The only disappointment
was that the Senate bill did not include any funds for the Health Careers
Opportunity Program; the House bill included $15 million. But U.S. Rep.
Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), the House Subcommittee Chair, is a champion for the program
and will insist that funds be included in the final version.
Georgia Receives Approval for Partial Medicaid Expansion and Permission to Leave ACA Exchange Markets
In October, Georgia received approval from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services to implement a partial Medicaid expansion plan under
the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The approved waiver would allow the state to expand
Medicaid to individuals who earn up to 100% of the federal poverty level, instead
of 138% as allowed by ACA. Enrollees in the expansion program, dubbed Georgia
Pathways, would be required to pay premiums. They would also be required to work
at least 80 hours per month. Work requirements that were proposed
or implemented in other states have been struck down by federal courts.
Shortly before the election, the state also received permission to leave healthcare.gov,
the health insurance exchange established under ACA. Beginning in 2023, residents
in the state who wish to purchase health care will be required to do so through
private brokers or individual insurance companies. Critics of the plan have said
that it would represent a return to the chaotic marketplace that existed before
the ACA in which brokers pushed plans that resulted in the biggest commissions.
But the administration of Gov. Brian Kemp (R), who pushed for the plan, believes
it will result in a 6% increase in enrollment.
ADEA LIAA Award to Honor Jack Bresch
American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Leadership Institute Alumni Association (LIAA)
created the ADEA LIAA Award to Honor Jack Bresch in memory of John Edward “Jack”
Bresch, who served for many years as Director of ADEA’s Center for Public Policy
and Advocacy. This award acknowledges Jack Bresch and the role he played in advocacy and in his leadership by example.
The ADEA LIAA Award to Honor Jack Bresch will be presented
to a current ADEA member who reflects the attitudes, values and behaviors in advocacy
of oral health care and dental education as exemplified by Jack Bresch.
Self- and peer nominations are accepted and should include the following:
An abbreviated curriculum
vitae, including educational background, academic appointments, honors and awards,
a list of key publications and a list of career highlights.
A personal statement demonstrating the nominee’s advocacy for oral health care and dental education.
Eligible applicants:
Are a current ADEA member.
- Have demonstrated advocacy for oral health care and dental education.
All nominations must be received on or before December 15, 2020.
Email all application materials to Eric Lund at LundE@adea.org.
Questions? Contact Mr. Eric Lund, ADEA Professional Development
Manager, at 202-513-1188 or lunde@adea.org with questions. |
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