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Dear John,

Today is Minnesota’s Giving Holiday—Give to the Max Day—and we hope you will join us in celebrating by making a donation to support Fresh Energy

Fresh Energy is your clean energy champion, moving Minnesota toward a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions by no later than 2050. 

Severe storms, wildfires, and extreme heat and cold are clear reminders that our weather is already changing due to a warming climate, and that under-resourced communities and communities of color are disproportionately impacted. COVID-19 and the related economic downturn have only exacerbated these challenges.

You and I must act now to prevent the worst impacts of climate change and pollution from generations of reliance on fossil fuel. And we must ensure an equitable and just energy transition.

Fresh Energy is here for you and all Minnesotans with a bold new vision that centers equity and fast action for carbon reduction.

Your support will help Fresh Energy’s team of experts:
  • Drive state policy and regulatory work toward a 100% clean electric system with nearly half of our electricity coming from renewables like wind and solar by 2025. 
  • Dramatically reduce carbon emissions from Minnesota’s transportation sectorincluding cars, trucks, and busesthrough electrification and other strategies. 
  • End incentives for fossil gas infrastructure, and create affordable efficiency and electrification solutions, to get the carbon out of buildings. 
  • Build out a clean energy economy with more accessible, family-supporting jobs.
  • Reduce the energy burden on Minnesota households through increased investments in efficiency and clean energy. 
Fresh Energy is here for you as your Minnesota clean energy, clean recovery, and clean jobs champion. Will you be here for us? 

You—as part of our giving community—will be leading Minnesota toward a just, prosperous, and resilient clean energy future.

Thank you for your support,
Michael Noble 
Executive Director
P.S. In celebration of Give to the Max Day, we're sharing the conversation that I had with Dr. Leah Stokes, internationally recognized clean energy thought leader at our Virtual Benefit Breakfast. We've also included 25 minutes of post-election "bonus content." You can stream Fresh Energy's podcast online here or search "Decarbonize: The Clean Energy Podcast" in your favorite podcasting app. 

P.P.S. We apologize if your gift and this email have crossed paths—we appreciate your support!
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Fresh Energy
408 Saint Peter Street, Suite 220
Saint Paul, MN 55102

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