The presidential election may be over, but the fight for our democracy is not.
The outgoing administration, enabled by national Republicans, has filed bogus lawsuits in nearly every swing state that Donald Trump lost and continues to spread lies and conspiracies to discredit this election. Just this week, Trump lied and tweeted that he won the election.
In a country that has been a beacon of democracy for the entire world, we are headed in a dangerous direction. And until public pressure mounts against Trump's cronies, they're going to continue to stand by as Trump runs every play in the book to subvert our democracy.
Demand that national Republicans put our country and its democratic institutions above their loyalty to Trump. Add your name next to Jason's NOW.
No amount of phony lawsuits that Trump and his henchman file will change the election result -- his own election lawyer even said so. But they will continue to sow distrust in our democratic institutions which, by every metric, functioned better than ever this election.
National Republicans have laughed off legitimate concerns that Trump would refuse to concede for months. And now, as he throws a temper tantrum, instead of participating in the peaceful transition of power, most of them are silent. So, the problem isn't just what Trump is doing, it's who is standing by him or refusing to condemn his actions.
We need your help to take back control of this country once and for all, and that starts by putting pressure on the people who continue to enable Trump.
Demand that national Republicans CONDEMN Trump and his undemocratic actions. Add your name next to Jason's and the millions of Americans who want to protect our democratic institutions NOW.
Thank you,
Crow HQ
Now more than ever, we need strong leaders like Jason working for us in Congress. Jason is fighting for you, your family, and the American people in Congress -- and he's not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. Will you pitch in now to help him continue working for us?
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