LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, November 19, 1pm – 2pm WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online This week: Final episode of the Tales of the Resistance radio drama from the San Francisco Mime Troupe. Will the Resistance become a Revolution, or will the fascist corporate overlords maintain their control over the workers?
Baltimore Labor Council meeting: Thu, November 19, 7pm – 9pm Email for call-in details: [email protected]
NoVA Labor monthly meeting: Thu, November 19, 7pm – 9pm Nominations; Debrief of Labor's 2020 Political Program; Discussion of Labor Issues for 2021 General Assembly session; Special guests: Delegates Jay Jones, Elizabeth Guzman, Lee Carter RSVP link
Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: Belabored; Union Strong; America’s Workforce Radio; RadioLabour; The Blue Collar Gospel Hour What’s next for working people under a Biden/Harris administration? We’ve got excellent reports from Belabored, Union Strong, America’s Workforce Radio and RadioLabour. This week’s show also features a brand-new Network member, The Blue Collar Gospel Hour, where union autoworker, poet, and activist Dan Denton hosts a podcast for the 99% – featuring entertainment, news, music, poetry, art and interviews with interesting people. This week Dan visits with co-worker Gerri Edwards, an LGBTQ+ activist and pioneer who also hosts a popular, award winning Star Trek original story podcast series.
DC teachers reject plan to reopen schools, citing safety concerns The Washington Teachers’ Union on Wednesday said they would not sign an agreement to reopen schools to in-person learning, citing rising COVID-19 rates and constantly shifting DCPS plans. The news came on the same day New York City schools decided to shut down again because of COVID-19 concerns. “We hope to return to our schools in a smart, data-driven manner that protects our students, teachers and communities from COVID-19,” said WTU 6 in a statement. “However, we can only do so when adequate protections are in place.” Insisting that “our city’s first priority must be safety,” the union said that “the only way to build safety is through communication and trust. DCPS has fallen short on these measures.” Get the latest from WTU on their Twitter feed here.
AU Academic Affairs division unionizes Staff in American University’s Academic Affairs division on Monday voted overwhelmingly to be represented by SEIU Local 500. One of the fastest growing unions in the greater Washington, D.C. area, Local 500 already represents adjunct faculty and graduate assistants at AU as well as the majority of adjunct faculty in the region. The staff at AU began their campaign to unionize in 2019, motivated by concerns over high turnover and understaffing, fair pay, lack of opportunities for growth and advancement, and lack of transparency. Urgency increased when the pandemic brought these issues to the forefront along with access to PPE, paid leave, and concerns around layoffs and furloughs.
Baltimore mayor vetoes “right to recall” for hotel workers; DC bill pending As hotels and entertainment venues across the country slowly reopen after early pandemic closures, some are threatening to bypass their former employees and hire lower-paid replacement workers. In Baltimore, the City Council passed legislation to guarantee "right to recall" to prevent this from happening. Representatives of the Catholic community from across Baltimore City urged outgoing Mayor Young to sign this important legislation into law, but “In a disappointing move,” reported the Catholic Labor Network, “the Mayor instead has vetoed the two bills.” The Catholic Labor Network is meeting with area hotel union representatives to determine next steps. Metro Washington Council delegates on Tuesday unanimously approved a similar bill that’s under consideration at the DC City Council, and UNITE HERE Local 25 vowed to push hard for the “Displaced Workers Right to Reinstatement and Retention Amendment Act of 2020.”
PG/MontCo COPE meets this morning The Prince George’s/Montgomery County COPE will meet this morning at 10 am. "In our meeting we will debrief the General election and discuss legislative priorities for the 2021 Legislative Session," says MWC Political Director David Stephen. "We will also be joined by special guests Maryland Delegates Jhanelle Wilkerson, Chair of the Montgomery County Caucus and Julian Ivey, Vice-Chair, Prince George's County delegation." To register click here.
Today's Labor Quote: Sam Sadow
“We look forward to having a seat across the table from the administration from which we can bargain directly with university leadership for a contract that recognizes our essential role in upholding American University’s mission and values.”
Sadow is a Visual Resources Curator at AU who’s been instrumental in organizing his fellow employees at the university into SEIU 500.
Today's Labor History This week’s Labor History Today podcast: A journey down the Working River The UnionDues podcast takes a trip down the River Thames, finding struggles and strikes, insurrection and inspiration. And, on this week’s Labor History in 2: Striking against privatization in Alberta, Canada. Last week’s show: One Day More
The National Writers Union is founded, representing freelance and contract writers and others in the trade - 1981
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.