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The Charity Commission is investigating an educational charity in Luton for the second time after it allegedly breached conditions imposed by the Department for Education.
The Mustard Seed Bookshop in Gedling, Nottingham, remained open after the lockdown came into force, resulting in the arrest of two men over the weekend.
One of the report's authors says that family pressures may lead to some British Muslims leading "double lives", where they feel compelled to hide things such as relationships, their sexualities or their ways of life from their families.
The clause – an amendment to the Local Government Act 1988 – banned local authorities and schools from promoting homosexuality and was brought forward by Thatcher's government.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said that French President Emmanuel Macron is encouraging violence by defending cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed.
New research finds that the wage gap is 8 percentage points wider in the five most religious states than in the five most secular, with women making 18% less than men in the least religious states and 26% less in the most religious.
The recurring puzzle as to whether Indonesia's most divisive Muslim cleric, Habib Rizieq Shihab, leader of vigilante group Islam Defenders Front (FPI), would return to the country was solved on Tuesday last week when he finally set foot at home from Saudi Arabia.
The Interpreter
The latest from the NSS and the No More Faith Schools campaign
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