From Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject 3 powerful reasons not to miss Thursday’s Never Is Now Closing Session...
Date November 18, 2020 9:45 PM
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Dear John,

It has been incredible to learn from and talk to so many leaders in the fight against hate during Never Is Now so far.

There are three dynamic reasons that the
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Closing Session of Never Is Now this Thursday night (11/19) at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT is a can&rsquo;t-miss ending to the largest annual Summit on antisemitism and hate.

First... Join me for a talk with the leaders of some of the most impactful civil rights organizations in America who stand with ADL in the Stop Hate for Profit campaign, building on support from over a thousand businesses, hundreds of nonprofits and A-list celebrities with millions of followers to hold Facebook and other social media companies accountable for the content on their platforms, from Holocaust denial to extremist networking. Find out how Big Tech is responding, and what’s next for this vital campaign.

Second... Legendary world chess champion Garry Kasparov, who is a tireless advocate for individual liberty and civic engagement as the chairman of the Human Rights Foundation and founder of the Renew Democracy Initiative, will share his insights as he receives ADL&rsquo;s 2020 International Leadership Award. Kasparov has shown tremendous bravery in speaking out forcefully for individual rights in his native Russia, the United States and around the world. His voice is needed now more than ever.

And third... Prominent athletes and sports journalists will reveal how 2020 has been a landmark year for sports figures to influence the country, using their reach to become advocates and role models in speaking out against antisemitism, racism and hate of all kinds. ESPN&rsquo;s Jeremy Schaap sits down with Zach Banner, who plays for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Women&rsquo;s Sports Foundation president-elect and world-class athlete Phaidra Knight, and Gabe Kapler, the manager of the San Francisco Giants, to discuss the importance of athletes in the fight against hate.

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For the final event of Never Is Now, we&rsquo;re making it simple.
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Just click HERE at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT (or maybe a few minutes early), then put in your email address to go straight to the Closing Session.

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We’ll see you Thursday at #NeverIsNow!

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

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