Unemployed workers are heading into the holidays with no relief in sight 

Whats happening

It has been seven long months (and then some) since Congress passed the CARES Act. It’s been more than three months since Congress let the extra $600 weekly unemployment benefit expire. And in less than six weeks, two more key CARES Act provisions will run out. When will Congress finally come to the aid of the millions of American families who are suffering? 
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With unemployment benefits for millions of workers set to expire in December, Senate Republicans must stop blocking aid

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What were talking about

Unemployment benefits for millions of workers set to expire in December 
From EPI’s Heidi Shierholz – Millions of families are being kept afloat by two key unemployment programs created under the CARES Act. But without congressional action, these programs will expire on December 26. Read more »
Why the coronavirus recession hit young workers so hard 
From EPI’s Melat Kassa – Recessions typically hit young workers hard. But the COVID-driven recession has been especially bad. Here’s why. Watch the video »
What Happened in California Is a Cautionary Tale for Us All 
EPI senior fellow Terri Gerstein, in a New York Times op-ed – What happened in California? Despite the state’s liberal reputation, voters there last week approved Proposition 22, a ballot initiative exempting many gig companies from state workplace laws and stripping their workers of basic, essential protections. Read more »
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What were reading

Whitewashing the Great Depression
Quick, name one iconic Depression-era portrait each by Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, and Russell Lee. My guess is that you’d choose Lange’s Migrant Mother, a portrait of Florence Owens Thompson and her children taken in Nipomo, California, in 1936. Read more »
How the pandemic could change Thanksgiving 
Thanksgiving is a holiday rooted in the camaraderie of gathering, but the pandemic has upended our collective understanding of safety. Read more »
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CARES Act aid is expiring. When will Congress act for workers hit by COVID?
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