Hi John, 

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust animal agriculture into the public spotlight. From wet markets spreading disease to slaughterhouse workers contracting COVID-19 at an alarming rate, the public is realizing that animal ag is a ticking time bomb. 

Now is the time for us to take action against this dangerous industry. Activists are already meeting with state legislators about a first step: a moratorium prohibiting the construction of any new factory farms or slaughterhouses in the state of California. We need your help to get this legislation introduced. 

Follow these simple instructions to call your representative and support a statewide moratorium on factory farms and slaughterhouses

Let me know once you call so I can thank you for taking action! And I’ll make sure to keep you updated on the No More Factory Farms campaign as we continue to mobilize around this demand, like we did yesterday. Here’s the livestream from yesterday’s action with coordinated protests at factory farms and slaughterhouses in 5 cities across California. 


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