Dear John
Boris Johnson has just announced his 10-point green plan. And I’m afraid to say it’s fallen far short of what’s needed [1].
There are some good measures in there, like investment in cycling and walking, and the creation of green jobs.
But the plan’s not nearly as ambitious as he says it is. And he’s putting too much faith in unproven technology when action to tackle the climate and nature emergency is needed now.
In just a year’s time the UK will host the UN climate talks. If the government doesn’t show leadership on the climate crisis over the coming year, we could lose a real opportunity to secure global action. So please urge the government to stop dithering over the climate. It's time for the Prime Minister to be the leader he claims to be.
The biggest piece of actual news in the plan is the ban on new diesel and petrol cars by 2030 – that's a new policy from the government and a good one.
If you’ve been part of Friends of the Earth for a while you’ll know how much work we’ve done over the years to tackle air pollution, so a huge well done if you’ve been involved.
But the truth is that today’s announcement has fallen far short of the action needed to prevent widespread suffering and catastrophic species loss. So please add your name to the other 240,000 names on our petition today.
With all eyes on Boris Johnson in the run up to the UN climate talks – including Joe Biden’s – now’s the time to keep the pressure up.