Wednesday, November 18th, 2020

Is This Virus the Weapon Being Used To Usher in a Communistic Takeover of the United States?

Gary D. Barnett

Don’t Believe the COVID Case Numbers; It’s a Scam

Jon Rappoport

The Myth of America as a ‘Reluctant Superpower’

David Gordon

Letter to My Grandchildren From Inside a Cult

Bretigne Shaffer

Will Russia Create a ‘Star Trek’ Alternative to M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction)?

Yvonne Lorenzo

The Art of Defenselessness

Tim Hartnett

Donald Trump Isn’t Just Playing Golf, He Is Purging the Pentagon

Thierry Meyssan

Forget Huawei, US Spying on Denmark Shows the Real Threat for European Countries Comes From Washington

Tom Fowdy

Media Hypes Moderna’s COVID Vaccine, Downplays Risks

Media mostly silent on safety concerns and lack of transparency.

Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again

Matthew J.L. Ehret

Don’t Call the Cops. Especially If Your Loved Ones Are Old, Disabled, or Have Special Needs

John W. Whitehead

Pre-election Scandals Disappear Down Media Rabbit Hole

Jeff Minick

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