Hello Young Dems!

As you all know, Georgia has been officially called and its 16 elector votes will go to President-Elect Joe Biden! Flipping Georgia is due, in large part, to the work you did in the years to days leading up to the General Election on November 3rd, but our work isn't over. 

We have runoff elections taking place on December 1st and January 5th and there are multiple opportunities for you to help

Thank you for all you've done thus far and let's flip the Senate!


Before the Senate

After winning 5 times against Governor Kemp so that 150K voters would keep their right to vote for a DA  this year, Deborah has made it into a run-off with 48.5% of the vote.

But the job is not done.  The run-off will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.  You can mail-in your ballot (apply for it online), or vote in person early or on Dec. 1, and be part of a justice change that is sweeping the nation.  We can do this but…

We need you.  Send an email to [email protected] to sign up to volunteer – lit drop, sign waving, postcards. We meet at the office every Sunday from 1 – 4 pm.  337 S Milledge Ave, Suite 104, Athens, GA 30605.

For phone banking send email to: [email protected].

Email to Volunteer Now!

Winning the Senate in 5 Simple Steps

December 7th is the deadline for Georgians to register in order to vote in the January 5th runoff. Voters who have already registered and voted do not need to register again in order to vote in the runoff. All Georgia voters should regularly check their voter registration to make sure it's up to date and active. 

Register to Vote
Check Your Voter Registration

Georgia allows all voters to vote by mail in all elections regardless of age, ability, or reason. Voting by mail is the safest and most convenient way to vote from home during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To vote by mail, Georgians will have to complete a two step process. The first step is to request their absentee ballot. This can be done anytime at the Secretary of State's website. Once they receive their ballot, Georgians can follow the instructions and either mail the ballot back or drop it off in a secure ballot dropbox in their county. Have you requested your absentee ballot for the January 5th runoff yet?

Request Ballot Online

January 5th is a big deal but several Georgia voters have the chance to turn Georgia blue on the local and state level before then! Make sure to vote if you're eligible to in the December 1st elections for:

-US House District 5 (Rep. John Lewis used to hold this seat)
-GA Senate District 39 (Congresswoman-Elect Nikema Williams holds this seat)
-Doraville City Council District 1 (elected by all Doraville voters)
-District Attorney for the Western Judicial Circuit (vote Deborah Gonzalez in Clarke and Oconee Counties)

Support Local Democrats

Voters with a "Voting Plan" are more likely to turnout to vote in elections. Whether you plan to vote by mail, early in person, or on election day. Make a plan to vote and share it with others. Encourage your network to do the same. Campaigns that facilitate implementing a voting plan can increase voter turnout as much as 4.1% in some studies*. There's lots of excitement around these campaigns but making a plan to vote is one of the most impactful things we can do to flip the Senate. Tag us on social media once you've posted your voting plan. 


Every statewide elected official in Georgia is a Republican. The Governor, State House, and State Senate are all controlled by the Republican Party. Georgia went Blue for the White House but we're still got a lot of ground to turn Blue here at home. If you're under 40 and live in Georgia, please start or join a Young Democrats chapter! There are local (county), high school, and college chapters across the state but many schools and counties need your leadership to get started. Contact our VP of Membership for help getting involved. 

Donate to YDG
Start or Join a Chapter

YDG Appointed Positions

The Young Democrats of Georgia doesn't have a staff budget... yet. But we need to fill these positions now! If you have experience on a campaign or with an advocacy organization and are interested in leveraging your talents to support Young Democrats, we need you! Please email YDG President Rachel Paule if you are interested in any of the following positions. 

  • YDG Campaigns Director
  • YDG Press Secretary
  • YDG Activism Director
All roles should expect between 2 and 10 hours of work a week and are unpaid. School credit and letters of recommendation are available. To learn more about each role, please visit the YDG Charter and Bylaws. To contact Rachel, email [email protected] with the title of the role that interest you.

Easiest Ways to Support YDG

The Young Democrats of Georgia currently has less than 600 total email subscribers. We're grateful to count you among them. Please consider telling your friends, family, and any young Democrats in your network about us and invite them to subscribe to our newsletter. With your help, we can reach 1000 subscribers before the election in November!

Not a social person? We are an entirely volunteer run organization from our state President down to our local chapter members. We do this work because we care. Your donation in any amount helps us contact, educate, register, turn out, and motivate Young Democrats across the state. Please give what you are able today. 

Donate to YDG

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PO Box 306
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