And end their reign of terror once and for all.


John, the NRA was established 149 years ago today. Over the years, they’ve really changed— and not for the better.

This past year, the NRA has seen multiple lawsuits, including an IRS investigation into potential tax fraud by Wayne LaPierre, and their bought-and-paid-for politicians are being voted out of office all over the country. This year, we can give the NRA the best birthday present of all: the final nail in the coffin to their reign of terror.  

The NRA’s culture of corruption runs deep: for decades now, they have blocked lifesaving legislation from becoming law while they manipulate the American people, fear-mongering and race-baiting the public to push gun sales. The NRA works for the gun lobby and no one else and their pursuit of profit contributes directly to our country’s gun violence epidemic.

Today, on the NRA’s birthday, we are asking you to join us in dissolving what Jim Brady called “the evil empire” once and for all. We’re asking you, John: Will you add your name to our petition and make this the NRA’s last year ever? >>

Thank you for stepping up at this pivotal moment in America’s battle against gun violence. With your advocacy, we can end the NRA for good. 

Team Brady