As you likely know, the Police Commission has been fixated on the demographic make-up of those pulled over in car stops. So much so, that the Department has all but eliminated its proactive enforcement efforts aimed at getting illegal guns out of the hands of gang members and felons. This morning the Police Commission will once again focus on incomplete and misleading data as they flail about trying to appease the “defund crowd” and avoid their complicity in the victimization of too many innocent Angeleno residents.
Some Commissioners wrongly believe that you actively engage in profiling every day you go to work. One stated that the demographic reports were an “indictment” of LAPD’s policing. Another wants our car stops to exactly mirror the racial/ethnic demographics of our city, regardless of criminal behavior.
We believe that is utter nonsense and the fixation on quotas and pie charts is taking attention away from addressing the dramatic increase in murders, shootings and gang violence in L.A. We sent this letter to the Commission yesterday illustrating the flaws in their misplaced focus.