Fake Twitter Trolls Attack PAC Post about illegal non-citizen voters

For National Release | November 17, 2020

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The shadow-banned and suppressed Twitter account of the national anti-illegal immigration group ALIPAC rarely sees much action these days due to documented Big Tech censorship of conservatives voices, but today @ALIPAC is under attack by fake Twitter trolls!

When ALIPAC logged in this morning, a small army of fake Twitter trolls was attacking the following comment...

[QUOTE]William Gheen

Replying to @AdamLaxalt

Now, if the Clark County elections board would remove the large number of non-citizens, including illegals that were registered and voted by the Democrats and trade unions we would have a more fair election.


It appears that others can see ALIPAC's response because it was posted as a reply to a Tweet (View Here) by the Twitter certified account of Adam Paul Laxalt, who is the Fmr. Attorney General of NV, Georgetown U and Law, Partner Cooper & Kirk. and Co-Chair Trump Campaign NV.

You can tell that most of the angry responses aimed at @ALIPAC's comments are fake Twitter trolls because most of them have less than ten followers and appear to be following a similar script with their attacks.

ALIPAC has encountered fake Twitter troll attacks before, with one such attacker admitting they are paid well to conduct their efforts from China. (Screen shots available upon request)

Today's suspected fake Twitter trolls out to suppress concerns about voter fraud by attacking accounts like @ALIPAC this morning include, but are not limited to Apinkspirit @apinkspirit 0 followers, Daniel @dan00446555 6 followers, Janet Louise Green @Jangreen022669 3 followers, Democrat @bushwick2727 8 followers, BellaRoo @BellaRoo2U 7 followers, Elis Kucevic @KucevicElis 0 followers, Nathan Gray @Nlgray85 5 followers, David Shafter @david_seaisle 4 followers, Kim Aaron @KimAaro00820607 3 followers.

ALIPAC is responding to these fake Twitter troll attacks and other more authentic political detractors by posting links to the 63 documented examples of non-citizens registering and voting illegally in US elections, including items with specific information showing wide scale elections fraud in Clark County Nevada at...

Evidence of Non-Citizens Voting In US Elections Collection Point

After ALIPAC pointed out that many of the attackers were part of an inauthentic influence campaign on Twitter, some real human operators have started to engage.


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