The United States is in the midst of another COVID-19 spike, possibly the deadliest the country has seen so far. Over the past week, there has been an average of roughly 150,000 new cases reported each day. On this week’s episode of Reveal, reporters Jennifer Gollan and Michael Montgomery produced an interview with Allison Wynes, a nurse pulling long ICU shifts at the University of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City. She spoke about her experiences working on the ground during the ninth month of the pandemic. While big cities have their own problems dealing with the spread of COVID-19, hospitals in rural areas face financial crises and University of Iowa Hospital leaders warn that they are facing possible bed and staffing shortages. The story illuminates how the lack of a national plan to stop the virus has created an immense burden for health care workers.
What were you looking for when you thought about how to report on this COVID-19 spike?
Jennifer Gollan: Michael and I both know that the pandemic is the biggest story of our time. In the closing days of the election campaign, we also knew that the candidates diverged drastically as far as how they were going to approach battling this surge that we're now seeing. Meanwhile, (President Donald) Trump was hopscotching across the U.S. in these hot-spot states. We decided to highlight that fact and then find someone who is dealing with this every day, a nurse in Iowa, and talk about how she's seeing the surge of patients.
Michael Montgomery: Something had stuck in my mind from the first presidential debate back in September: Donald Trump said that there would be a vaccine within weeks. It didn't seem to get a lot of attention, but that's a big deal. That's a big promise to make at a debate. We went through every speech of his during the last week of the campaign to see what he said about the surge in the virus. And he said almost nothing.
What stood out to you as different about interviewing a nurse now compared to the beginning of the pandemic?
Jennifer: What was so poignant for me is to hear Allison say how health care workers had been front and center in everyone's mind as essential workers battling this virus but now that she felt forgotten.
Michael: To have an ICU nurse who's in the middle of a major surge in the pandemic say that they feel forgotten, that was incredibly striking. The other thing that I found striking is that she said it was symptomatic of something else, which is that our president has not pulled the nation together in a way that you might anticipate with a country facing one of its worst crises in modern history. I think that the neglect that she feels is connected to the sense that there isn't a sense of national mission, there isn't a sense that we're all in this together.
Why did it feel important to you to talk to somebody in Iowa specifically?
Michael: We really wanted to talk to someone who was in a state where the virus is surging and in a state that voted for Trump. So we were thinking about North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa, which currently have the three biggest spikes in terms of COVID-19 in the country.
Jennifer: In a state like Iowa, we are seeing the manifestation of not having a national policy of putting science first, of not having a unified, national-level voice coordinating approaches to battling the virus. Allison is one person, one health care worker, dealing with the consequences of that. We're seeing 1,000 people or more die every day. I think it's easy to become inured to those numbers; they become abstract.
It’s really a challenge to report on the pandemic in a way that keeps people from getting numb. How do you try to report on this in a way to make it feel crucial?
Michael: I think what made it really feel relevant, even though we're almost at the end of a year of pandemic, is the fact that the president of the United States seems to be ignoring the crisis. . He was talking every day at multiple rallies, he was in states that were going through this surge, and he literally was not talking about it.
Listen to the episode: United, we’re not
In the Field
Photographing racist extremists in West Virginia