HOPE not hate

John --

I just wanted to send through a few things that HOPE not hate are up to at the moment that you won't want to miss.

1 - we're learning from Biden's campaign team about how they beat Trump

Tomorrow evening (Weds 18th at 8pm) we're hosting an event with senior digital staffers from Joe Biden's campaign team about the disinformation they faced during the election, and what they did to tackle it. HOPE not hate's Afrida Chowdhury and Joe Mulhall will be talking to Rob Flaherty (Digital Director, Biden for President), Becca Rinkevich (Director of Digital Rapid Response, Biden for President) and Timothy Durigan (Data Security Analyst, DNC).

Click here to sign up

2 - There's going to be an amazing virtual event to replace the annual Charitable Trust fundraising dinner

At this time of year our charity would normally hold an annual dinner, but of course this year that isn't possible. Instead of cancelling, we're holding a different type of event - an online gathering of HOPE not hate supporters from across the country to celebrate all the people who make what we do possible.

Tickets are available now - click here to sign up

3 - we've shared our recommendations to better regulate online spaces

Be it Covid-19 conspiracy theories shared in WhatsApp groups, campaigns of harassment by Twitter trolls, or the proliferation of far-right propaganda on YouTube, there is no doubt that harms perpetrated by extremists within the online world remain a pressing issue. HOPE not hate's research involves monitoring how extremists harm others online, and we are under no illusion as to the scale or breadth of the threat.

Read the full report now

As always, thank you for supporting HOPE not hate. This has been a tough year, but I'm really proud of the way our activists across the country have continued to fight hate and spread hope.

Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate