The 2020 elections have shattered two populist myths: Donald Trump’s invincibility and the left’s ascendancy in U.S. politics.
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What American voters just told us: How the electorate shattered populist myths on both sides ([link removed])
** by Will Marshall, PPI President
The 2020 elections have shattered two populist myths: Donald Trump’s invincibility and the left’s ascendancy in U.S. politics.
Trump has spent a lifetime burnishing his legend as an unbeatable wheeler and dealer. Never mind that his business career is littered by failed ventures and six trips to bankruptcy court. Through sheer force of will, Trump always wins in the end.
Or so he wants his supporters to believe as he sulks in the White House and insists, without a shred of proof, that he’s been cheated out of reelection. In a sign of how badly negative partisanship has warped our politics, 70% of ([link removed]) Trump’s supporters say they believe the vote somehow must have been rigged against their hero.
To paraphrase the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but not to their own version of reality. In the real world, Joe Biden won about 5.5 million more ([link removed]) votes than Trump and a comfortable Electoral College majority of 306-232.
Yet this president will go to any lengths to salve his wounded ego, even if it means destroying Americans' confidence in the integrity of our 231-year-old electoral system. He’s tapped a seedy crew of bottom feeders led by Rudy Giuliani ([link removed]) to parrot his ludicrous conspiracy theories and clog the courts with frivolous lawsuits.
The whole charade is unforgivably selfish and deeply unpatriotic. It’s also futile. Most of the states will certify their election results by the end of this month. Barring a coup attempt by Republican state legislators, Biden’s victory will be confirmed.
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