The United Nations is once again attacking Israel with a torrent of one-sided resolutions condemning the Jewish state.
Seven resolutions demonizing Israel were adopted by the U.N. General Assembly this month alone, including yet another that ignores any Jewish ties to the Temple Mount.
And this is just the beginning. By December, it’s anticipated that as many as 20 resolutions condemning Israel will be adopted.
The U.N. consistently employs a double standard in its treatment of Israel.
Over the years, more resolutions have been passed condemning Israel than all resolutions condemning genocide, warfare, and human rights violations around the world combined.
The anti-Israel actions are commonplace not only in U.N. General Assembly, but across the U.N. system as well.
At last week’s meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO), what was supposed to be a discussion on the global response to COVID-19, instead turned into a four-hour session attacking Israel.
During the meeting, Israel saw itself condemned in speeches by some 30 WHO delegations, who promoted the lie that Israel is harming Palestinian health rights, when in fact, despite the conflict, Israel grants entry to tens of thousands of Palestinians who receive top-level medical care at Israeli hospitals.
As many in the international community continue to use the U.N. as a platform to put forward ridiculous accusations aimed at singling out Israel, our work to ensure a strong U.S.-Israel relationship becomes even more crucial.
But American support for Israel will not simply happen. We must advocate for it, cultivate allies, and work closely with lawmakers in Congress.