Together, we have a real chance to improve the lives of tens of millions of working people.
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Our country needs an FDR-type of moment. And the incoming Biden-Harris administration has an opportunity to put in place the kind of sweeping change that will lift up millions of working people for generations to come.
As former Labor Secretary, I’ve seen firsthand how raising wages and strengthening collective bargaining rights improve the lives of working people.
Unfortunately, for the last four years, Donald Trump has systematically undermined working families to further rig a system that was already rigged against working people. Even without cooperation from the Senate, in the first 100 days of a Biden-Harris administration, we can act quickly to:
* reverse Trump's efforts to take away workers’ healthcare;
* restore DACA;
* bolster workplace safety inspections;
* protect all workers against wage theft and protect the earnings of tipped workers;
* reverse Trump’s efforts to make it easier for businesses to classify workers as independent contractors;
* and ensure millions of workers receive the overtime pay they deserve.
We can't just return to "normal." The status quo has failed working people―enriching millionaires, billionaires and corporate CEOs at our expense.
I helped found EPI over 30 years ago to change that and fight for progressive policies, including universal healthcare, fair wages and benefits, and strong labor unions.
Donate to EPI today to support the sweeping change we need and to provide the Biden-Harris administration with the research and data that are critical to our movement for progressive economic change. ([link removed])
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For four years, we have suffered through a Trump administration that has been hostile to working families, and that never failed to put the interests of Big Business ahead of the rights and wages of working people. To make things worse, even as the pandemic raged, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans allowed expanded unemployment benefits to expire for millions of Americans while proposing another $696,000,000,000 for the Pentagon.
Now, we have a chance for a new start.
President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have a renewed opportunity to ensure that working families’ voices are heard in the White House.
Donate to EPI today to power the critical economic research we need to support the Biden-Harris administration in implementing a progressive, pro-worker agenda. ([link removed])
Every election reflects a truth about the priorities of the American people, particularly when incumbent presidents are defeated. Joe Biden has now won the highest percentage of the popular vote of any challenger since FDR, signaling a similar demand for progressive economic change.
President-elect Joe Biden has talked about his desire to have a transformative presidency along the lines of FDR. In order to have a shot at that, he will need our help to ensure no one is left behind.
Before EPI existed, the perspectives of those who work for a living were often left out of the public narrative of the American economy.
Donate to EPI today to power our movement for progressive economic change and ensure the Biden-Harris administration prioritizes the needs of working families. ([link removed])
EPI is a source for all elected officials, the Biden Transition Team, and activists alike, providing the research and policies that will serve as a roadmap to creating an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few.
Thank you,
Robert Reich
Former U.S. Secretary of Labor
Co-founder, Economic Policy Institute
Co-founder, Inequality Media
P.S. This spring I joined EPI to discuss my latest book, The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It. Click here to watch this important discussion about how the status quo came to be and how average citizens can fight back and enact change. ([link removed])
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