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We have just received incredible news! For the first time in over a decade, Republicans will have a 6-3, veto proof, supermajority of conservatives on the Salt Lake County Council!

This day just gets better and better! First, we learned earlier today that Burgess Owens has won, and as the Salt Lake Tribune headline declares, Ben McAdams “is the first one-term member of Congress from Utah in more than two decades.”

Now, we have just learned that on the heels of victories by Dea Theodore and David Alvord, who also won hard-fought races to be on the Salt Lake County Council, Laurie Stringham has won her race to be a member of the Salt Lake County Council!

The three of them will now join fellow Republicans Aimee Winder Newton, Richard Snelgrove, and Steve DeBry on the council.

This gives Republicans an opportunity to finally put a stop to the progressive policies and nonstop tax increases that have plagued Salt Lake County during the past few decades. In short, Utah Republican victories this year have been simply overwhelming, and they keep coming!

As a party, we congratulate Laurie, David, and Dea on running incredible races and look forward to their years of service on the Salt Lake County Council.

With gratitude,

Derek E. Brown
Chairman, Utah Republican Party

Chairman Derek Brown with newly elected Salt Lake County Council Members, Dea Theadore and Laurie Stringham at a recent event

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