Oxford University mathematician John Lennox stars in a new film.
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November 16, 2020
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Lennox: Atheists’ Best Objection to Theism? ([link removed])
Oxford University mathematician John Lennox stars in the three-nights-only film _Against the Tide: Finding God in an Age of Science_, in theaters across the country on November 19, 20, 23. Ahead of the documentary's release, he took time to answer some questions from _Evolution News. _
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C. S. Lewis Helps Us See Design in Three Dimensions ([link removed])
C. S. Lewis, the beloved apologist, was not always a Christian. He suffered greatly in his younger years, having lost his mother at an early age, and having survived years of unpleasantness in boarding schools. Then, as a young man, he volunteered to go to the front in World War I. All of this colored his view of the world.
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The Glorious, Intentional Gift of Autumn Beauty ([link removed])
Fall colors are such a gift. And I am convinced it must have been intentional. Think of what they do for us in these days, when we know that winter is coming with its cold, icy, biting days. We know the trees will soon be bare. And yet these hard days are heralded with such a glorious display! How can we be gloomy? Fall isn’t a transition, it’s a celebration.
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The Fitness of Nature for Mankind ([link removed])
Renowned author and biologist Michael Denton gives a new expression to what he calls the “medieval synthesis” of knowledge about life, now enjoying a “Reconquista” thanks to modern science. In charming and lyrical yet rigorous fashion, Denton reviews the intelligent design evidence detailed in his books, including the most recent, _The Miracle of the Cell._
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Why, as a Neurosurgeon, I Believe in Free Will ([link removed])
Seizures _never_ have intellectual content. There are no intellectual seizures, which is odd, given that large regions of the brain are presumed by neuroscientists to serve intellectual thought. It is all the more remarkable when we consider that seizures commonly originate in these “intellectual” areas of the brain.
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