Modern Collection

In no surprise to the sensible, rational and intelligent members of Gun Owners of California, support for tougher gun control laws has taken a big slide – and some believe the decline is far more significant than Gallup’s research indicates.  This is excellent news.  GOC is working hard and taking advantage of the 7 million new gun owners nationally – thousands upon thousands who live right here in California – and we are making sure this trend continues.  Read up on these stories below.

And who out there likes to hang around waiting? We sure don’t – yet here we are, waiting for COVID to make an exit, for the election to be finalized, and figuring out how this will all play out in 2021. Will we have four more years of a pro-gun president or four years of a guy who has no interest in preserving the Constitution? The outcome – no matter which way it goes, will have an enormous impact on your rights. Check out the great piece on the trustworthiness of the election, as well as a report on the impressive Mark Robinson. He may live across the country, but his voice for all gun owners reaches far past the borders of his state.

Please continue to forward our emails because that is how we are able to arm and inform people – we need your help to continue our mission in the unequivocal defense of the 2nd Amendment, and America’s extraordinary heritage of firearm ownership. JOIN US!

Stay tuned for the reveal of our exclusive GOC T-shirt!

Just in time for Christmas!

Pre-sale begins November 23rd!


Support for Stricter U.S. Gun Laws at Lowest Level Since 2016 | Gallup

With moves to defund the police, this is no surprise.

Support For New Gun Control Laws Continues to Slide | Bearing Arms

And Cam Edwards says decrease could be even more significant.

NOTE: There’s Darn Good Reasons Not To Trust Election Results | The Federalist

And it’s not because they’re stupid, traitorous Nazis.

Justice Alito: Threats In 2A Case “Affront To The Constitution” | Bearing Arms

He’s right: Senators’ threats are nothing short of treacherous.

BATFE Push Biden to Target Pistol Braces and 80% Receivers | Ammoland

Their leadership seeks to push agency further to the Left.

The Four-Part Biden Plan To Destroy The 2nd Amendment | TacticalSh*

And it ain’t pretty.

NC’s Mark Robinson Is The Warrior We Need | Bearing Arms

He may be from N. Carolina, but he speaks for ALL gunowners.

ACB Gets Her First Crack At the 2nd Amendment | Bearing Arms

Not the most significant cases, but 2A nonetheless.

Bakersfield Gun Store Closes After Many Years in Business| 23.ComNews

Despite rise in gun sales across the country, owner blames Biden.
