Don’t miss insightful breakouts 11/17 & 11/19, then the powerful 11/19 PM Closing Session
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Dear John,

There’s just one more week of the world’s largest annual Summit on antisemitism and hate.

Never Is Now first week video

During week one of Never Is Now, attendees at this free, virtual event received insights and inspiration from world leaders in the fight against antisemitism, bigotry and extremism.

Now is the time to register to join us this week for more impactful moments, so here’s a quick recap video of week one of the Summit...


And then our grand finale...

Don’t miss the Closing Session of Never Is Now this Thursday evening at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT as journalist Abby Pogrebin hosts a powerful end to the largest annual Summit on antisemitism and hate. We will bring together the leaders of some of the most impactful civil rights organizations in America to discuss how they joined ADL in the Stop Hate for Profit campaign to hold social media companies accountable and press for change in these pervasive platforms.

Garry Kasparov

We will hear from ADL’s 2020 International Leadership Award honoree, legendary world chess champion Garry Kasparov, who is a tireless advocate for individual liberty and civic engagement as the chairman of the Human Rights Foundation and founder of the Renew Democracy Initiative. Kasparov has shown tremendous bravery in speaking out forcefully for individual rights in his native Russia, the United States and around the world. His voice is needed now more than ever.

In the final element of this Closing Session, prominent athletes and sports journalists will be joined by ESPN’s Jeremy Schaap to discuss the importance of athletes as advocates and role models in the fight against hate.

And you don’t have to wait until Thursday evening. We also have six more insightful breakout sessions happening this week — three each on Tuesday and Thursday at 2 pm ET / 11 am PT — full of tactics and perspectives to take back to your community so you can be a leader in fighting hate for good, both online and on the ground.

Take a moment to look over this week’s agenda of insightful sessions and see which ones speak to you. Then please register now and join us and world leaders in the good fight against hate at Never Is Now.

We hope to see you soon at #NeverIsNow!

Agenda · FAQ · 2019 Recap Video

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