Settlement activity has been spiking in recent months, and this week the Netanyahu government announced it will begin the tender process for the major new settlement of Givat Hamatos -- a move which a top EU diplomat branded a “de facto annexation attempt.”
J Street

Friend --

Settlement activity has been spiking in recent months, and this week the Netanyahu government announced it will begin the tender process for the major new settlement of Givat Hamatos -- a move which a top EU diplomat branded a “de facto annexation attempt.”

Construction in Givat Hamatos is part of a deliberate settlement movement strategy to cut off Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem from the West Bank Palestinian city of Bethlehem, in order to further undermine the prospects for a contiguous Palestinian state alongside Israel.

At J Street, we need your help to fight these disastrous moves in the final days of the Trump administration and to push the new Biden administration to take meaningful action to deter settlement expansion. Please contribute now to our campaign to stop this major new settlement >>

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As destructive as the construction of this new settlement would be, this fight has even broader ramifications:

  • In the coming weeks, more decisions are pending which could lead to even more destructive steps -- and we need to provide a firm deterrent now. We have to take a stand to prevent Netanyahu from demolishing the Palestinian community of Khan al-Ahmar or announce construction in the hugely controversial E-1 area.
  • Israeli NGO B’Tselem announced that more Palestinians have been made homeless by demolitions in 2020 than in any year of Trump’s presidency, despite the pandemic. We must send a strong signal that the incoming administration will not tolerate such injustice, and that Palestinian rights must be respected.

We cannot allow Prime Minister Netanyahu to use this moment to wreak further havoc with the US-Israeli relationship, attack the rights of Palestinians and imperil Israel’s future as a truly democratic homeland for the Jewish people.

While the construction tender process has now started, it is not set in stone. No contracts will be awarded until after President-Elect Biden’s inauguration, so there’s every chance that by mobilizing our leaders and showing solidarity with our allies, we can still stop this project.

Contribute to the campaign now to help show the right that the days of the White House enabling and encouraging the settlement movement are over >>

Thank you, Friend, for your tireless support.


Debra Shushan
Director of Government Affairs

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