Dear Praying American,

I know what you’re feeling. Like you and me, many Americans are feeling anxious, weary, worried…and expectant for the results of this election.
It certainly poses two very different paths for our nation’s future.
And there is immense pressure on our election officials, ballot-counters, and now- on our election integrity legal teams nationwide.
That’s why I wanted to come to you --- a prayer warrior I can trust --- with a prayer request for these Americans who are in the trenches fighting for each vote to be truthfully counted…
Will you join me today in prayer by signing our Election Integrity Prayer Card?

The stakes are high…
Faith in free and fair elections is a critical need in your state today.

But I’ve got to be honest with you, friend, there is something big, a deep shift going on in our country right now.

Underneath the surface of election and ballot turmoil, there is another truth that must be addressed:

There is a spiritual battle for the heart of America being waged right before our very eyes.

And I don’t know about you, but I want to be the kind of believer who steps up, joins the fight, and pleads God to be with our people.

The men and women who are counting, verifying, certifying ballots in order to protect the 2020 election results need your prayers.

Believer, scripture tells us in 2 Chronicles 17 “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.”

So, will you heed this command, humble yourself and seek God’s face with me today by signing the Election Integrity Prayer Card?

We are praying for free and fair elections.

We are praying against fraud of any kind.

We are praying for the men and women who are working tirelessly to enforce a legal and honest count of your vote.

Let me step back and introduce myself. My name is David Kubal and I’m blessed to be the President and CEO of an army of prayer warriors called Intercessors for America (IFA).

Our mission at IFA is to inform, connect, and mobilize intercessors to pray for our nation and our leaders.

That’s exactly why I’ve written to you today…

I’ve got to be honest with you, friend—in a time when there is so much confusion and concern over this election, it’s going to take believers like you to stand up and pray for God’s kingdom to come and for his will to be done here on this earth.

Will you do that today by praying over the sanctity of our nation’s election?

Because you and I both know there are evil forces in this world which would like to see our nation torn apart.

The strong, God-fearing United States of America you and I know is a threat to the enemy’s agenda.

But believers like you and me are called to step in and join the battle through spiritual warfare.

The entire country...actually, the entire world... has its eyes on this election.

  • Domestic enemies would like to see our God-fearing nation crumble.
  • Foreign enemies would like to see our God-fearing nation crumble.
  • And spiritual enemies would like to see our God-fearing nation crumble.

Us Christians MUST hold the line…with honest and humble prayer to our Lord and Savior.

We need all election integrity officials to stand firm and protect the vote for all citizens in your state.

We need them to be guided by Godly wisdom.

That’s where you come in.

I’ve got to encourage you, as scripture tells us in Esther 4:14 “Perhaps you were made for such a time as this”.

Believer, your prayers are needed for such a time as this.

Add your name to the Election Integrity Prayer Card today

A former United States president once said, “There is no greater peace than that which comes from prayer and no greater fellowship than to join in prayer with others”.

I agree. And while I know you may be overwhelmed and confused, we must choose to stand firm and pray.

Will you join in fellowship today as we get millions of Americans praying for our nation?

Thank you for your support.

God Bless,

Alternate text

David Kubal, 
President & CEO
Intercessors for America (IFA)

1 Timothy 2:1 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

Intercessors for America (IFA) is a 501(c)(3) ministry organization and was founded in 1973 when God impressed upon the hearts of a group of godly, respected men the necessity of prayer and fasting.

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