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Hi John,

Tell Governor Inslee that our state must provide direct, flexible cash to communities as a part of a complete recovery package! 

As we speak, the Governor is finalizing his proposed budget for the 2021-2023 biennium. This proposed “Governor’s Budget” will lay out his vision for how Washington can recover from impacts of COVID-19. The Governor’s Budget will influence what bills our state representatives and senators will prioritize in the 2021 legislative session.

Over the weekend, Washington state recorded one of its highest tallies of COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic. This health and economic crisis isn't going away any time soon, and our leaders need to act now. 

Washington lawmakers need to enact and fund a state cash stimulus plan through a simplified Working Families Tax Credit/Recovery Rebate. Directly investing in communities can ensure that all of us have the opportunity to weather this pandemic.

Help us in this advocacy effort by sending a message directly to Governor Inslee, urging him to include this cash rebate in his proposed Governor’s budget.

Take Action: We Need A Recovery Rebate!