This year HOPE not hate is doing things a bit differently and switching out our annual charity dinner for an online celebration of all the people who make us great.

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HOPE not hate

John --

It almost feels redundant to say now, but this year has been completely different in so many ways. For months we've all been staying inside to help others and doing our bit to keep the spread of the virus down.

At this time of year our charity would normally hold an annual dinner, but of course this year that isn't possible. Instead of cancelling, we're holding a different type of event - an online gathering of HOPE not hate supporters from across the country to celebrate all the people who make what we do possible.

We're calling it HOPE at HOME, and it's happening on Monday 30th November at 7pm. Will you get your ticket today and join us on the 30th to hear our news on how we're tackling hate and to share in stories of HOPE?

We know that most people in the UK think 2020 has been pretty awful, but there's loads of things to celebrate - from the heroic efforts of our frontline workers to some of the incredible successes our team have had this year in defeating the far right, foiling terrorists, and supporting the most vulnerable in our communities.

Join us on the 30th November as we recap everything that's worth celebrating over the last 12 months, and look forward to what we're doing in the year ahead.

See you then!

Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate

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