Fellow Conservative,
Did you hear what Chuck Schumer said about the Georgia Runoff elections?
Schumer and his allies are not even trying to hide their radical plans anymore. If they FLIP both Senate seats in Georgia, then they are going to change the world.
Here is their plan:
- Enact the job-killing Green New Deal which will eliminate fossil fuels and fracking
- Eliminate private insurance and force all Americans onto a government run plan
- Repeal Opportunity Zones ending crucial investments in our impoverished communities
- Confirm liberal judges to the bench that will ignore the Constitution
- Pass gun control which will take away your right to protect yourself and your family
Fellow Conservative, I could keep going, but I think you get the idea.
You have the power to stop Chuck Schumer by chipping in $10, $25, $50 or whatever you can afford.
Usually, Democrats are a little more discreet about their radical plans, but not Chuck Schumer. He is all in to take over the Senate and change the world.
It is a truly terrifying prospect and I am counting on you Fellow Conservative to help me stop it from becoming a reality.
Tim Scott