Hey John -
AYD Elections are almost upon us! Join us for a pre-election social hour this Wednesday at 7 pm to learn more about the various positions and to see who’s running!
Check out our upcoming events below:

It's almost time for AYD Executive Board Elections! Join us November 18th at 7pm via Zoom to meet with the current AYD E-Board and learn about all the elected and appointed positions. In addition, find out who's considering running for the 2020 E-Board and officially register/re-register for AYD so you can vote in our election on November 24th!
If you have any questions, email AYD President Dan Matthews at [email protected].

AYD Executive Board Elections 2020 was a big year in a lot of ways, but our work is just getting started. From the Senate races in Georgia to the Virginia Gubernatorial elections, 2021 will be a big year for Democrats, and we need your help to keep the wins going. See below for more information about applying to join our 2021 Executive Board and details for election night.
Regardless of whether you end up applying we encourage you to join us at our November 24th General Body Meeting where we will elect the voting members of the board. To run for or vote in the AYD Executive board elections, you must be an up to date dues paying member of the Arlington Young Dems. Click here to renew your membership. Email [email protected] if you have any questions about your membership.Applications are now open for the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Campaigns Director
- Membership Director
- Diversity and Inclusion Director
- Political Director
- Community Service Director
- Party Representative
You can find out more about any of these positions on our website. If you would like to apply for any of the above positions, please submit this form by Nov 20th at 11:59pm or email [email protected] with the position you would like to apply for and a short statement. Statement limits are 500 words for President and 250 for all other positions. Full election rules are available here.
If you would like to apply for any of these positions, please submit a candidate statement by Friday, November 20th at 11:59 PM by emailing AYD President Dan Matthews at [email protected].