Under the last Democratic Presidency, Mitch McConnell used the Senate to halt any considerations of President Obama's nominees, and now he is planning to obstruct the ability of President-Elect Biden too.
We are already hearing reports that McConnell and a Republican-led Senate will only allow centrist nominees for every Executive Branch position. We all know what they really mean by "centrist" is more of the same corporate, Wall Street appointees that will deliver for the 1% at the expense of the American people.
We cannot accept that.
Whether using his constitutional authority to make recess appointments or using his authority under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act to fill positions as acting officials, Biden can get around Republican obstruction, something DFA Founder, Governor Howard Dean, pointed out in a tweet last week.
President-Elect Biden can govern the way he wants despite Republican obstruction by using the powers of the Presidency to their fullest extent.
President-Elect Biden has both constitutional and statutory means to form his cabinet the way he wants. Add your name to our petition calling for President-Elect Biden to follow the will of the voters by appointing a cabinet that will deliver on our promise change.
The President Elect must build out an administration structured to meet the historic needs of this moment - and to uphold the highest values of the Democratic Party by operating in service of the well-being of the general public.
In particular, we urge Joe to elevate people who have proven track records of prioritizing the needs working families, the poor and middle class, and those traditionally oppressed and marginalized, not nominate or hire corporate executives, lobbyists, and prominent corporate consultants who have a track record of putting corporate profits over the American people.
It's imperative that Joe be able to appoint leaders to his administration that are representative of the broad diversity of our country - but diversity alone is not enough: All personnel must have demonstrated that they prioritize the needs of under-served communities, especially communities of color, and have done it in service of the public interest.
Tell President Elect Biden: Don't Let Mitch McConnell Dictate Your Cabinet Choices
Thank you for fighting for a Democratic party that delivers on the promise of change for the 77 million Americans who voted for it.
— Tre
Tre Graves, Campaign Organizer
Democracy for America