CAPABLE Program Earns Nurse Researcher Heinz Award
A nurse practitioner making house calls realized that a few changes in the home could mean as much as medicine did to the well-being of her older patients. That led Sarah Szanton, PhD, ANP, FAAN, to create the Community Aging in Place—Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE) program. Now the RWJF Nurse Faculty Scholars alumna has earned a Heinz Foundation award.
The New York Academy of Medicine is paying special tribute to individuals with distinguished accomplishments in health policy, public health, clinical practice, biomedical research, and service to the Academy. Among those to be honored, with the award for Distinguished Contributions in Health Policy, is Campaign ally Diana Mason, PhD, RN, FAAN. Congratulations!
AARP Publication Features Nursing Center and Campaign Leader Reinhard
AARP Bulletin, sent to AARP’s 38 million members, this week puts a spotlight on nursing with a profile of the Center to Champion Nursing in America (CCNA) and Susan Reinhard, RN, PhD, FAAN, its chief strategist, as well as senior vice president and director of the AARP Public Policy Institute. CCNA coordinates the
Campaign for Action; both are initiatives of AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, working to improve health and health care through nursing.
Graduate Nursing Program Shows Encouraging Results
Medicare support for training advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) brings benefits at a reasonable cost, says the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ final evaluation of the Graduate Nursing Education demonstration project. Positive results include a 67 percent increase in APRN student graduation, stronger relationships between nursing schools and clinical education sites, and increased awareness of the value of APRNs.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation urges communities to make health a priority—and to then apply for a Culture of Health Prize. For inspiration, consider those recognized in 2018: Eatonville, Fla., residents worked hand-in-hand to build a healthier town, among other things taking steps to promote healthy weight. Klamath County, Ore., is addressing gaps in health outcomes for marginalized groups.
Nurses, “Disrupt Disparities,” Says AARP Volunteer President
Nurses can lead the way in collaborating with other health professions in teaching, working in the community, and more, says Catherine Alicia Georges, EdD, RN, FAAN, national volunteer president of the AARP board, in an interview on “All About Nursing” with Joyce Batcheller, DNP, RN, FAAN. Georges offers other ideas for ways nurses can get to the heart of wellness.
Bridging the Delivery of Health Care and Social Needs Care
Two Tennessee nurse leaders tackle the social determinants of health in two ways: Patti Scott, DNP, PNP, NCSN, is part of the state health department and leads efforts to encourage wellness; and Susan Cooper, MSN, RN, FAAN, heads an initiative at a Memphis hospital addresses the socioeconomic needs of the uninsured.
The Pennsylvania Action Coalition launches “At the Core of Care,” a podcast whose focus on Pennsylvania nurses ends up addressing issues of national interest. The first season includes episodes about sexual assault nurse examiners; a breastfeeding support group partnership; the fight to improve laws; and care for medically complex children.
Action Coalitions: What’s Up? Tell Us So That We Can Share
Fans of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action like to learn what’s happening in other states. But we might not know your stories. Help us celebrate your efforts and share details of progress by dropping a note to Aidan McCallion at
[email protected]. We’ll spread the news through news posts, social media, and the Campaign Update.
Funding, Tools, and Other Opportunities
New - RWJF Health Policy Fellows Program Accepting Applications
Midcareer health professionals and behavioral and social scientists are encouraged to apply for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellows program, a yearlong learning experience in Washington, D.C. that seeks to build and maintain strong and diverse leadership and a workforce skilled in health policy. Deadline: November 6 at 3 p.m. ET.
New - AANP Seeks Nominations for Its 2020 State Awards
The American Association of Nurse Practitioners is accepting nominations for its two annual honors: The NP State Award for Excellence, awarded to outstanding nurse practitioners; and the Advocate State Award for Excellence, awarded to non-NPs who contribute toward increasing awareness and recognition of NPs. Deadline: October 14.
Over decades, the information provided by the Nurses' Health Study has led to much of what we know today about health and disease. The third such study, NHS3, now seeks 100,000 nurses and nursing students to get involved and so contribute much-needed data, including information to assist in addressing health disparities.
Sigma Foundation, Jonas Philanthropies Launch Research Grant
A new fund, the Sigma Foundation for Nursing/Jonas Philanthropies collaborative research grant, is designed to support nursing research that will help improve health care for the most vulnerable citizens of the U.S. Grants are available in three categories: mental health, rural health, and veterans health care. Application deadline: December 1.
Journal Seeks Abstracts for Future of Nursing Issue
Nursing Education Perspectives will devote its fall 2020 issue to The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report, 10 years after its publication. Action Coalitions and others are encouraged to submit manuscripts about nursing education research studies relevant to the report by January 1, 2020.
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