So, it’s been a minute since you and your spouse shook the sheets. Every relationship runs into a sex rut from time to time, you tell yourself. But in the back of your brain, you can’t help but worry that perhaps you’ve crossed over into sexless marriage territory. A slew of Google searches ensues: How many times should couples make love in a week? Does once a month qualify as a sexless marriage? Before long, you’re in a full-blown panic over the state of your marital union.
For a lot of marriages, finances are the #1 cause of fights and unhappiness. A lot of moms are sharing that credit cards are making things rough at home.
Confession #18479962 I associate middle class with entitlement. I do X so I deserve Y. Even if Y means running up credit cards or treating your house's equity like an ATM.
#23999828 "DH has 15 credit cards, can't figure out what statement goes with which, and gets mad at me because he doesn't know how to use the new card member points or benefits. If he applies for one more credit card, I will divorce him."
#19906558 "Somebody please help me! Take away my debit and credit cards! I’m developing an Ugg obsession and can’t stop buying them!"