Team —

It’s been six months since Congress last passed legislation providing relief to Americans in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Working families are struggling to pay their rent and childcare and small businesses are being forced to close as coronavirus cases are drastically on the rise, surpassing all previous records for daily case counts.

The American people are calling out for help in this tumultuous time, but their calls have fallen on the deaf ears of Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP, who have intentionally blocked additional pandemic relief for months and instead chose to prioritize the confirmation of President Trump’s far-right Supreme Court nominee before the election.

Well, Cory hears you, team. He is fighting for additional relief, including a second stimulus check, more unemployment assistance and Paycheck Protection Program funds for small businesses, aid to state and local governments for our teachers and health care workers, a national testing plan, and more.

Like Cory has said, our focus should be on working in a bipartisan way to get this virus under control and provide relief to those who are hurting.

If you agree with Cory and want to see the GOP stop putting partisan politics over the needs of the American people, add your name to our petition demanding the Senate pass additional pandemic relief NOW!


The Senate is supposed to work for the people, and it’s about time Republicans put their right-wing agenda aside and step up to help those in need. Until they do, let’s rise up and call them out on it.

— Team Booker