I wanted to make sure you saw this -- right now is your last chance to tell me directly what issue is most important to you. I'm ready to continue my fight for working people in Congress -- will you fill out this survey so I know exactly what you care about?
We're closing this survey tonight, so make sure you submit your vote before the day is over!
Election Day was just the beginning. Now, the real work begins. With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House, we'll be able to pass the meaningful stimulus and recovery efforts we've been lacking. We also have the potential to pass more progressive legislation than ever before. Will you take this survey and let me know what you'd like to see me fighting for in Congress?
With your help, I can continue to fight for the issues that matter most to working Americans, and we can all deliver on the promise of a brighter, more just future. The decisions our leaders make will be deeply felt for generations -- so please, join my fight and take this quick survey to make your voice heard!