Next stop: the 2021 General Assembly elections.
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ALERT: Turnout SURGED in red areas of Virginia this election.


ALERT: Voter turnout SURGED in red areas of Virginia this election. Will you help us fight back -- and keep Virginia blue in the upcoming General Assembly elections -- by making a donation today?

Joe Biden carried Virginia by 10 points on November 3rd. This marked the fourth consecutive time our Commonwealth went blue in a general election presidential contest since 2008. But along with this good news comes a sobering warning: Donald Trump and Republicans made significant gains with rural Virginian voters.

According to new data from the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP), “[v]oter participation saw its largest gains [compared to 2016] in this November in Virginia’s rural areas energized by President Trump.”

Donald Trump will not be on the ballot next year when Virginians return to the polls to decide the balance of legislative power in Richmond. But if his base remains mobilized at this high rate, they could keep turning rural districts red, which could cost rural General Assembly Democrats their seats -- which could then flip the General Assembly from blue back to RED!

Friend, we can’t let that happen. We’ve got to keep these vulnerable Democrats in their seats -- and to keep reaching out to rural Virginian voters.

Here at Team DPVA, our work continues to protect the gains Virginia Democrats have made (thanks to amazing grassroots supporters like you!) and to start planning for the year -- and new cycle -- ahead. But we need your help. If you’re able to, will you chip in today to help us keep Virginia BLUE in 2021?

Thank you for all of your support!

Virginia Democrats


P.S. We understand that times are tough for many of you, and that everyone has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Please only give if you can; your health and safety are most important.

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Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Democratic Party of Virginia
PO Box 448
Richmond, VA 23218
United States