Dear John,
What kind of difference does your support make? You're the reason we can provide care and support around-the-clock through our 24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900) to nearly 250,000 people annually while funding cutting-edge global research in 590 best-of-field studies in 31 countries.

Cheryl Gross can tell you firsthand: "It's been rewarding to know that we're doing something to make a difference for my mom, for the millions of people living with Alzheimer's disease and for those people who will inevitably be diagnosed in the future. I have hope for the day when no son or daughter has to face Alzheimer's ever again."

Cheryl and her mother, Nadine

I can promise you that for all those reasons and more, I'm grateful for Cheryl Gross' generous pledge to triple match every gift made toward our $250,000 Holiday Triple Match Challenge, up to $250,000 — by December 31. Her gift will support our efforts to advance the technology that powers our global research efforts and our care and support programs.

$250,000 Holiday Triple Match Challenge
Name: John xxxxxx
Member ID: 16320960
Pending Gift: $16
Can be matched 3X to: $48
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I can also promise that when you make your first gift today — our vision of a world without Alzheimer's and all other dementia will be a little closer to reality.

Please help us further our mission to lead the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. Make a gift now, while your impact can still be tripled.

With deep appreciation,

Donna McCullough
Chief Field and Development Officer
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P.S. The opportunity to TRIPLE your impact is only available for a limited time. I hope you'll join us in the fight to end Alzheimer's disease with your donation today.
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