Weekend Edition, November 14-15, 2020

The US Government and Its Military Have Declared War on the American People

Gary D. Barnett

Ensuring the Election’s Integrity: There Must Be a Transparent Recount in Disputed Districts

Vasko Kohlmayer

Changing Hood Ornaments

L. Reichard White

The Question I’ve Wanted To Answer for Twenty Years Is Suddenly So Clear to Me

Allan Stevo

The Worm in the Machine

James Howard Kunstler

How They’ll Fake the Success of the Covid Vaccine

Jon Rappoport

Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science

Jay Valentine

Elon Musk Tweets ‘Something Bogus Is Going On’ as He Obtains Conflicting Covid Test Results

Sergei Gridnev

Liars and Maligners

Theodore Dalrymple

Who Owns the Future? Dems or GOP?

Patrick J. Buchanan

Bilge to the Right, Bilge to the Left, and Not a Drop to Drink

Fred Reed on Plumbing the Crankosphere.

Why Covid-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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