PFAW Member, One year ago, we were in the midst of a hard fought battle against Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court. During the confirmation process, credible sexual assault allegations came to light, most notably from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford who detailed her account in gut wretching Senate testimony. And yet Republicans on the Committee rammed Kavanaugh's confirmation through, with several prominent Senate Republicans dimissing her allegations. Senator Lindsey Graham even made the demeaning and offensive statement that he would "listen to the lady, but we're going to bring this to a close." As we then suspected and as we learned over the weekend – Dr. Ford was not the only survivor whose allegations were brushed off by Republicans and the FBI's bogus "investigation." In an essay published on Saturday, two New York Times reporters outlined a 10 month investigation in which they researched multiple sexual assault investigations of their own regarding Brett Kavanaugh. Their findings? More sexual assault allegations were found to be credible, yet poorly handled by an FBI constrained by the White House and a Senate Judiciary Committee marching to White House orders.1 We can and must do better. It's one big reason why PFAW launched our "Vote the Courts 2020" campaign – to hold Republican Senators accountable for their vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and their votes to confirm over 150 other narrow-minded, extremist elitists. These senators abdicated their responsibilty to ensure that our federal judiciary is presided over by fair-minded constitutionalists, choosing instead to confirm far-right nominees. It's also why we're supporting a thorough and exhaustive investigation into the rushed confirmation process by Senate Republicans and the rigged FBI investigations into the credible sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh. Senate Republicans repeatedly stonewalled Senate Democrats's calls for a thorough investigation and Kavanaugh repeatedly misled Senators while testifying under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee. This cannot be allowed to become the new normal. With your continued advocacy and support – and by holding these senators accountable – we can ensure there are no more Brett Kavanaughs nominated to the federal judiciary. Thanks for all that you do, - Zach, PFAW
Source: [1] "Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not." The New York Times, 9/14/19