I am resending this information. Why? Because folks apparently did not read it the first time, nor do they bother to search our website calendar for information. They just email me and message me... All. Day. Long. ...looking for information we have already provided. Folks! Pay attention! As I said last week... if you are only looking at our emails, you are only getting a small fraction of all the information we put out. For starters, read the emails (just like you're reading this so I'm probably preaching to the choir!). Check our website calendar and other website pages. Read our Facebook posts. Read Fran's and Fred's and my personal Facebook posts. There is TONS going on! Be a part of it!
It is always great to be with like-minded friends, but lately it's just even better, isn't it? If you want to experience more of that, join in one of the Stop The Steal rallies going on this weekend. There is NOTHING like it!
The big one is in McKinney on Sunday at 3pm. No guarantee but there's talk of getting Charlie Kirk there. So far about 2,000 people have said they're attending. It is being put on by Shelley Luther, the gal that was put in jail for opening her hair salon. She's in a runoff now for Texas State Senator!
If McKinney is too far, or if you want to do both, consider going to the one in Ft Worth on Saturday at noon, or to the one in Dallas on Saturday at 2pm. There's also a police-escorted march in Grapevine at 3pm on Sunday that is starting from the Grapevine Convention Center.
Honestly, I urge you to go to as many as you can. The large numbers encourage others, encourage you, and show the nation that we are not backing down. The media is desperately trying to convey hopelessness. We are defying that.
See ya there!