Thank you for your ongoing support of Population Connection!
September 26th is World Contraception Day, a day focused on improving awareness of contraception so that young people can make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health.
We will be holding a nationwide conference call on Thursday, September 26th at 11:00AM (PST) to discuss the U.S. policies limiting access to family planning services domestically and globally.
Stacie Murphy, our Director of Congressional Relations, will outline the history and goals of U.S. family planning programs here at home and abroad. She will also spotlight the horrific effects of Trump’s Global Gag Rule for people seeking reproductive health care services, and she will detail our efforts to repeal the Global Gag Rule through the hard-hitting #Fight4HER campaign with Population Connection Action Fund.
You will have the opportunity to submit any questions you may have regarding these topics prior to the event.
If you’re Interested in attending, click here to RSVP and to submit your question!
Not sure if you want to participate in this conference call, but want to learn about other ways you can get involved? Click here for more ideas.
If you have any questions, feedback, or ideas you’d like to share with our Membership Relations team, simply hit “reply” to this email or contact us at [email protected]
We hope you'll join us for the call!
Warm regards,

Alyssa and Rose
Membership Relations Team