Fight for $15
All I want for my son is for him to go to a good school and get a good job. So while I'm celebrating our victory, I know that going back to "normal" isn't enough for us.
Normal meant having to decide between paying for health insurance or buying groceries. It meant McDonald's ignoring sexual harassment in its stores. It meant laying awake at night worrying about keeping a roof over my head while CEOs rake in millions of dollars off our exploited work.
We won the election, but our fight isn't over. President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris made us some promises -- $15 and a union. It's time to hold them to their word.
Sign the petition: The Biden/Harris transition plan must include a $15/hr national minimum wage, a plan for good union jobs, and a promise to hold corporations like McDonald's accountable for their failure to protect workers. [[link removed]]
The Trump administration underestimated us -- and lost.
Trump's White House sided with McDonald's in denying us living wages and respect, then didn't take the safety of essential workers like me seriously. So we took this election seriously, and broke turnout records.
I joined thousands of workers on the streets to strike, in the middle of the pandemic, because our lives -- Black and Brown lives...the lives of essential son's life -- matter. We organized because we can't wait any longer to pass $15/hr nationwide. We can't wait any longer for good union jobs. And we can't wait any longer for racial justice for our communities to thrive.
The Biden/Harris transition team MUST prioritize a $15/hr federal minimum wage and worker protections. Sign NOW>> [[link removed]]
We're not going back to "normal" -- that just wasn't working for us. We've shown the world just how powerful we are when we come together and we're not stopping now. It's our time.
In solidarity,
Adriana Alvarez
McDonald's Worker
Chicago, IL
Fight for $15 and a Union
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