Hi Friend,
For decades, many public school teachers have viewed themselves as social justice warriors who must convince students that America is and always has been a deeply flawed country whose founders were racist and oppressive. 

Some even claim that today, the United States continues to harm its own citizens and people around the world.  

That simply isn’t true. In this hyper-polarized, politicized environment, what are they teaching our children?!
Support Parents’ Right to Know
Parents should have the basic right to know what their children are learning, since so much of their initial and continued learning experience begins and ends at home. 

Our schools must stop playing politics with our education system and quit using the classroom to indoctrinate children. 

Today, public school students rarely hear anything good about America. 

This cynical and extremely negative perspective is at least partly to blame for the steady decrease in patriotism among Americans, especially young Americans. 

According to the latest Gallup poll on “American Pride,” only 63% of respondents said they were extremely or very proud to be American, a decrease of more than 20 points since the poll began in 2001. 

Among Republicans, 88% said they were very or extremely proud to be American, while only 42% of Democrats reported the same. 

At a time of collapsing civil discourse, our country desperately needs a renewed commitment to our founding principles and a rallying cry for patriotism.

The next generation needs to know what America was founded upon and what Americans stand for. 

Speak up if you agree. 

Sign our Parents’ Right to Know Petition today.

Julie Gunlock